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Our bank details can be found on the reverse of any letter we have sent you. If you aren’t sure please call 01242 508 639. Local call rates apply.
Please take our letter to a retail outlet or post office displaying the PayPoint logo. You can find your local PayPoint at http://www.paypoint.co.uk/paypointlocator
01242 508 639
Mon-Thurs 9am-5.30pm
Fri 8.30am-5pm
Weekend – Closed
01242 851 260
Automated service
open 24/7
Local call rates apply to all Oriel numbers.
Oriel Collections Limited
3 Manchester Park
Tewkesbury Road
GL51 9EJ
Please make your cheque payable to Oriel Collections Limited and quote your Oriel reference shown at the top of any letter we send you on the reverse of your cheque.